Sunday, November 30, 2014

"Eurocrem" vs Nutella

"Eurocrem" is like a Serbian nutella. It is the same type of food. Both of them are sweet, and have the same look, but the taste is of course different. The difference in taste between these two is not that significant, unlike the other food from Serbia. Both of them are good. I like both of them the same.

Serbian vs American food

Serbian vs American food

In this link a guy from America talks about the difference between American and Serbian food. It is good because people can see what kind of experience Americans had with Serbian food.

Serbian vs American plum

On the left hand side are Serbian plums and on the right hand side are American plums. Even though they are the same fruit it is obvious that they have differences such as color as well as a little bit different shape. I had chance to try both of them and the taste is so different. It is so weird how the same food can have such a different taste in different cultures.

Serbian food in million ways

This video represents all kinds of Serbian food.

Recipe for "gibanica" (Serbain food)

  • 4-5 eggs
  • 0-5-1 kg cheese
  • 2 dl sour cream for cooking
  •  1 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 dl of oil
  • 2 dl sparkling water
  • 1 packing of pie crusts
  1. Eggs, cheese, sour cream for cooking, sparkling water and oil, mix everything to obtain a uniform mixture. The mixture should be rare.
  2. Put torn pieces of pie crusts into the mixture. Put 3 pie crusts on side( 2 for the bottom and 1 for the top). Wrap the remaining pie crusts into an aluminum foil and put it into the freezer.
  3. Leave the mixture to stand for at least an hour. 
  4. Oil the plate which you will use for baking and put 2 pie crusts on the bottom. Put the mixture into the plate and put the last pie crusts on the top. Daub the top with oil and milk.
  5. Bake in preheated oven at 200 C. Bake for at least 30 min.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Serbian restaurant in Houston

Serbian restaurant in Houston
This link shows the Serbian restaurant in Houston. It also shows how people make Serbian food as well as reactions people in America have about Serbian food.

Typical American food

 Typical American food consists of Hamburgers, Cheeseburgers, Hot dogs, Donuts and so on. Comparing these posts with the previous posts it is easy to see the difference between Serbian and American food. American food consists of Fast food while Serbian consists of ours grandmothers recipes.